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Events to follow

Montreal AI Symposium (virtual)

The Montreal AI Symposium (virtual) aims at gathering experts and professionals interested in fundamental advances and applications of artificial intelligence, with an emphasis on machine learning, deep learning, and related approaches. The Symposium welcomes both academic and industrial participants; it seeks to build strong connections between researchers within the Greater Montreal area and surroundings. We […] Read more


JURISIN-2020 | Call for papers

Call for papers for the Fourteenth International Workshop on Juris-informatics associated with JSAI International Symposia on AI 2020 (IsAI-2020) to be held from the 15th to 17th of November, 2020 in Tokyo, Japan. Due to COVID-19 this event may be held remotely.  Juris-informatics is a new research area which studies legal issues from the perspective […] Read more

Events to follow

Public Consultation on UNESCO's Recommendation on AI Ethics

This event is organized in collaboration with AlgoraLab and Mila, with the support of UNESCO, the Canadian Commission for UNESCO, Université de Montréal, and the Government of Quebec. This session is part of UNESCO's global consultation leading to the adoption of the first global standard-setting instrument on the ethics of artificial intelligence (AI). Insights from […] Read more

In the media

Artificial intelligence: The Commission welcomes the opportunities offered by the final Assessment List for Trustworthy AI (ALTAI)

The European Commission welcomes today the Assessment List for Trustworthy AI (ALTAI), a check list for business and organisations to self-assess the trustworthiness of their artificial intelligence (AI) systems under development. This will further strengthen the benefits that AI yields to the economy and society as a whole. The concept of Trustworthy AI, introduced by […] Read more


The Influence of Ranking Algorithms

This content is not available in the selected language. By Hannes Westermann, PhD student in Artificial Intelligence and Law at the Université de Montréal and student researcher at JusticIA and the Cyberjustice Laboratory. The internet gives us access to an enormous amount of information. Billions of websites provide us with the means to learn about […] Read more

News of JusticIA's members

OBVIA | Financement de six nouveaux projets de recherche innovants

This content is not available in the selected language. L’OBVIA – Observatoire international sur les impacts sociétaux de l’IA et du numérique – a annoncé le financement de six nouveaux projets projets de recherche innovants, dont les projets : « Vers une approche synergique de la dématérialisation des dossiers judiciaires : La protection de la vie privée des […] Read more


Des obligations sur le recours aux technologies innovantes à la charge du gouvernement en temps de pandémie?

This content is not available in the selected language. Par Maëlenn Corfmat, étudiante au doctorat en cotutelle aux facultés de droit de l’Université de Montréal et de l’Université Paris V ainsi que chercheuse étudiante au regroupement JusticIA de l’Université de Montréal, à la Chaire de recherche du Canada sur la culture collaborative en droit et […] Read more

In the media

Can existing laws cope with AI revolution?

A recent Brookings's article proposes a hypothesis which might surprise: As artificial intelligence spreads throughout society, policymakers face a critical question: Will they need to pass new laws to govern AI, or will updating existing regulations suffice? A recently completed study suggests that, for now, the latter is likely to be the case and that […] Read more