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Events to follow

Web-conférence |Le développement sociohistorique de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) sous l’angle des économies de la promesse

This content is not available in the selected language. Conférencière Florence Lussier Lejeune, Université du Québec à Montréal En s’appuyant sur le cadre théorique des économies de la promesse, l’objectif de la présentation est de rappeler l’emballement cyclique entourant l’IA de la fin des années 1940 à aujourd’hui. Cette présentation alimentera la réflexion sur le […] Read more

Events to follow

Web-conférence | Ethical Issues in Cybersecurity: Beyond Privacy and Security

Speaker : Ibo van de Poel, Delft University of Technology This talk addresses the main values, and values conflicts, in relation to cybersecurity by distinguishing four important value clusters that should be considered when deciding on cybersecurity measures: security, privacy, fairness and accountability. Potential value conflicts and value tensions between these values will be considered. […] Read more

Events to follow

Web-discussion | Legal Text Analysis using AI Chapter 4

Speakers : Karl Branting L. , The MITRE Corporation Hannes Westermann, University of Montreal Text and language are the core tools of the legal profession. Analyzing and understanding the information contained in textual documents, such as statutes, case law, contracts and doctrine, is one of the most important skill for any person in the legal […] Read more

Events to follow

Web-discussion |Legal Text Analysis using AI Chapter 3

Speakers : Wolfgang Alschner, University of Ottawa Hannes Westermann, Cyberjustice Laboratory Text and language are the core tools of the legal profession. Analyzing and understanding the information contained in textual documents, such as statutes, case law, contracts and doctrine, is one of the most important skill for any person in the legal field. Advances in […] Read more


La fonction délibération est à la recherche d’un.e analyste

This content is not available in the selected language. Le Cité-ID LivingLab Gouvernance de la résilience urbaine vise à regrouper des gestionnaires urbains, des organisations privées, des citoyens et des chercheurs universitaires pour transformer les pratiques et développer la résilience urbaine. À titre de codirectrice de la fonction Délibération de l’Observatoire international sur les impacts […] Read more

Events to follow

Podcast | Projet de loi nº64 : la protection des renseignements personnels à la croisée des chemins 

This content is not available in the selected language. Déposé le 12 juin dernier, le projet de loi n° 64 propose une réforme d’envergure de la législation en matière de protection des renseignements personnels au Québec. Si la nécessité de moderniser le cadre législatif actuel en matière de protection des données semble faire consensus, tous […] Read more

Events to follow

The AI and Law Series | Characteristica Universalis Lex: Artificial Intelligence and the Ghosts of LegalTech Past

Speaker :  Christopher Markou, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge. Description : The question ‘is law computable?’ immediately recalls the classic jurisprudential question: ‘what is law?’ – a question posed by both legal pragmatists and idealists. For tough-minded pragmatists, the question ‘what is law’ might entail little more than a prediction of whether those in […] Read more

Events to follow

ODAI UNESCO: Results of the deliberations and acknowledgements

ODAI - Open Dialogue on Artificial Intelligence Ethics From July 15th to August 10th, 2020, Algora Lab and Mila organized closed deliberation workshops and open discussion sessions on the first draft of the Ad-Hoc Expert Group's recommendation document on the first global standard-setting instrument on the ethics of artificial intelligence, an effort led by UNESCO. In total, more than […] Read more