Why the U.S. Needs a Department of AI

Amidst a certain tension existing bewteen the AI principles unveiled earlier this year and the pression of tech industries to innovate, a recent Toolbox Tech's article proposes to establish a U.S. Department of AI that would allow regulators to oversee the type of data that is fed into AI solutions, examine the effects of AI on the workforce and closely monitor positive and negative use cases around the world.

It would serve two main goals: 1) protect consumer privacy and 2) mitigate AI bias and ensure ethical use of systems. It would serve as an alternative to a global AI standard that is not yet realistic given the various socioeconomic and political interests of each individual country, as well as the ongoing race for AI dominance.

The details of the proposition can be read here.

This content has been updated on 16 April 2020 at 19 h 36 min.

