OECD Launches its Policy Observatory

On the 27th of February, the OECD has launch its AI Policy Observatory in Paris.

The OECD AI Policy Observatory (OECD.AI) builds on the momentum of the OECD’s Recommendation on Artificial Intelligence (“OECD AI Principles”) – the first intergovernmental standard on AI – adopted in May 2019 by OECD countries and adhered to by range of partner economies. The OECD AI Principles provided the basis for the G20 AI Principles endorsed by Leaders in June 2019.

OECD.AI combines resources from across the OECD, its partners and all stakeholder groups. OECD.AI facilitates dialogue between stakeholders while providing multidisciplinary, evidence-based policy analysis in the areas where AI has the most impact.

Click here to watch the inauguration in its integrality.

And stay informed on the latest international policy initiatives on their website.

This content has been updated on 10 February 2022 at 16 h 00 min.

