Conference : The Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Social Media on Legal Institutions

About the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice's 2019 Annual Conference

CIAJ’s 2019 Annual Conference on “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Social Media on Legal Institutions” is taking a hard, critical look at the challenges that courts and the legal profession must face in order to maintain public confidence in the administration of justice.

Our relationship with information is being disrupted by technology: our means of communication are evolving, information is flowing in a network of complicated channels, and language is changing with the plethora of acronyms and emoticons that arise every day.

Artificial intelligence designers are proposing inventions that assist with human decision-making. Documentary evidence today includes screen shots, the traceability of which is questionable. The legal guarantees for reputation and privacy protection are colliding with information dissemination and the use of it for often questionable purposes.

How can courts and the legal profession evolve and adapt to AI phenomena, to ensure that they remain consistent in their mission to promote and protect the administration of justice?


This content has been updated on 11 July 2019 at 21 h 00 min.

